Our design philosophy is to produce easy-to-learn and simple-to-use building automation software products, which are flexible in application and programming, and provide good value for your dollar.

The entire suite of Reliable Controls software products is developed with efficient coding and numerous product features by in-house developers and programmers, inspired by loyal customer and dealer input.

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BACnet Advanced Workstation Software

Recognized as the ultimate all‑in‑one engineering tool, RC‑Studio® from Reliable Controls provides a multivendor, multiprotocol integration solution for database, alarming, scheduling, trending, and sequence of operation programming. This easy-to-use, easy-to-learn BACnet Advanced Workstation (B‑AWS) allows you to develop a complete and customized graphical user interface for monitoring and controlling any application at any scale. The real-time energy management and integrated fault detection and diagnostic capabilities in RC-Studio will empower you to improve your facility's operational efficiency and occupant comfort while maintaining your sustainability goals.

BACnet Virtual Private Network Software

Simplify your IT management and improve your data communications security with RC‑RemoteAccess®, a flexible BACnet Secure Network (B/SN) solution that is scalable and affordable. This easy-to-use software does not require additional routers or controllers to deploy and permits multiple separate VLAN configurations. Save time and money by deploying and managing your own B/SN.

BACnet Operator Workstation Software

RC‑WebView is an easy-to-use browser-based building management solution that allows you to efficiently manage any BACnet internet‑connected building. RC‑WebView combines the power of enterprise tools with a simple interface that connects multiple independent control systems into a single Enterprise Website. Accessed by a secure single sign‑on, RC‑WebView empowers you with scalable visibility and control at a glance.

BACnet Data Archiving Software

With continuous downloading of building data logs to an industry-standard SQL database, RC‑Archive® delivers a robust record of performance for any internet‑connected BACnet facility.

Building Performance Reporting Software

Extract intelligence from your building data and discover actionable insights to improve your operational efficiency. Identify, evaluate, and rank energy-wise and comfort-balancing opportunities to support your continuous optimization strategy. RC‑Reporter® brings clarity to building performance analytics with readable, reliable, and rational reports, delivered automatically by email or integrated directly into your building control system.

Security Management Software

RC‑Passport® is a flexible, ergonomic, and scalable security solution that provides excellent value for a wide range of security challenges.

myControl® App
Customized Mobile Apps

Configured by a Reliable Controls Authorized Dealer, the myControl mobile app offers a fully customized mobile interface to your Reliable Controls system. Three distinct app views deliver simple, flexible, familiar user experiences, and users can choose from five themes.

Graphical Images & Services Software

Reliable Controls RC-GrafxSet® saves you time and money by allowing you to quickly and easily create custom graphical interfaces. Choose from thousands of professionally rendered images and animations across a broad spectrum of categories in the RC-GrafxSet libraries, drop them into your System Groups, and link them to objects or other System Groups to create interactive opening pages, navigation menus, dashboards, and more. Develop interactive HVAC, lighting, and security graphics. Build real-time integrated fault detection and diagnostic (IFDD) interfaces. Integrate analytics and charting components into your System Groups. Share your assets with others, and enjoy our Request Graphic service, through which we continuously add user-requested assets to the RC-GrafxSet libraries. RC-GrafxSet makes your graphical interfaces look great!

Integration and Configuration Software

RC‑Toolkit® from Reliable Controls is a software application that is uniquely designed to optimize your experience configuring network communications. Save time by sending simultaneous firmware updates to multiple devices of the same type. Save money by enabling OpenADR signaling services with participating utilities. Expand your interoperability by integrating open protocols. Add wind and weather information from multiple internet data service providers. RC‑Toolkit empowers you to create flexible, scalable, and sustainable communications for your control networks.

Property Management Integration Software

RC‑Hospitality is a simple, flexible, sustainable guest‑room integration solution from Reliable Controls that empowers you to use your front-desk property management system to automatically assign HVAC, lighting, and occupancy settings for any room on guest check-in. It enables the Reliable Controls system to optimize guest-room comfort, improve operational efficiency, and provide entire facility reporting and analysis. With RC‑Hospitality and a Reliable Controls system, reducing your greenhouse gas emissions has never been easier.