Founded in 1986 in Surrey, British Columbia, Canada. Today, our corporate headquarters are located in Victoria, BC with sales support in locations worldwide.
Company founded in Surrey, BC, Canada. Begin development of new 32 Input, 32 Output controller, firmware, and software.
Installation of first generation Burke System and BP1000 direct digital controller in North Vancouver Law Court.
Reliable Controls moves from basement of residence to a small new shop located at 218-11558, 132A Street in Surrey, BC.
Awarded head office of Insurance Corporation of British Columbia (ICBC) contract.
Development and production of the BP16IN/16OUT expansion board for the BP1000.
Reliable Controls awarded the British Columbia Parliament Buildings and Provincial Museum contract.
Development begins on a new 8 Input, 8 Output controller.
Development of software changes begins to include an 8x8 controller.
Mini-Burke 8x8 controller production begins.
Development begins on second generation Direct Digital Control (DDC) system. The new controller with modular 16 Input/16 Output cards, called the MNC100, maintains backwards compatibility with the legacy Burke System.
Development begins on a new 4 Input, 4 Output controller.
Production begins on MNC100 controller.
Retrofit contract of University of Victoria awarded to Accutemp Refrigeration and Air Conditioning using Reliable Controls. Project was the largest retrofit project in North America during the year.
Production begins on second generation DOS software.
Reliable Controls moves from Surrey to a larger facility at 201-3375 Whittier Avenue, in Victoria, BC, Canada.
New marketing strategy begins.
New Microsoft Windows based software production begins.
SMART-Sensor™ (SS) development begins.
Initial release of the Reliable Controls product catalog.
Reliable Controls presents at its first trade show (AEE) in Vancouver, BC, Canada.
Full scale production of the SMART-Sensor™ (SS) begins.
New Western Canada regional sales manager hired.
First Authorized Dealer training course held.
Reliable Controls announces it is committed to the implementation of the ASHRAE Standard 135 BACnet® protocol.
First posting of the Reliable Controls website ( on the Internet.
Production begins on new Microsoft Windows software.
Development begins on third generation system. New surface mount 8 Input, 8 Output controller with expansion capability. The new products are called the MACH controller series (MACH1™, MACH2™, MACH2x™).
First blue glossy marketing brochure released.
Development begins on a new Variable Air Volume (VAV) controller.
Reliable Controls announces that all products are Year 2000 compliant.
First appearance of the new Reliable Controls corporate logo.
First Reliable Controls Authorized Dealer meeting is held.
Launch of industry-leading 5-year warranty.
Milestone: One Thousand MNC100s shipped to date.
First dealer training course in Eastern Canada held at Humber College North Campus.
First corporate video released.
MACH1™ (M1) controller production begins.
Retrofit contract of Metropolis at Metrotown awarded to Control Solutions of Coquitlam, BC. The project is largest holding of Cambridge properties.
Reliable Controls begins development of the ETHER-Link™ Portal.
Reliable Controls assigned BACnet® identification number 35.
MACH2™ building controller production begins.
First multi-vendor BACnet® installation completed by Serv-All Mechanical in Edmonton, AB, Canada.
First trade show booth in the US at AHR-Expo 1998, Chicago.
Eastern Canada Regional Sales Manager hired.
Volume 8, No.2 of MB&S magazine displays MACH1™ building controller on front cover.
UL916 Approval for the entire MACH-System™ hardware controllers and devices.
Production begins for the MACH-Air™ (MAH) VAV controller.
MACH-Zone™ controller is officially released.
First RC-Studio® 1.0 operator workstation software package ships.
Reliable Controls joins the BACnet® manufacturers association (now BACnet International).
Milestone: Reliable Controls ships 10,000th direct digital controller.
First issue of the monthly newsletter - the Resource.
First appearance of Authorized Dealer logo.
RC-Archive® 1.0 data acquisition software officially released.
Production of the MACH-Global™ building controller begins.
RC-WebView® 1.0 web server software officially released.
Eastern United States regional sales manager hired.
X-Port™ converter production begins.
Mainland China and Hong Kong distribution office opens in Shenzhen, China.
RC-GrafxSet® 1.0 graphics library officially released.
Move from Whittier to larger new facility at 120 Hallowell Road in Victoria, BC.
Reliable Controls named one of the top 25 fastest growing companies on Vancouver Island.
Milestone: Reliable Controls connects to over 1 million field devices.
BTL approval for MACH-Global™ and ETHER-Link™ portal as BACnet® Building Controllers (B-BC).
Reliable Controls named one of the top 25 fastest growing companies on Vancouver Island.
Production begins on MACH-Stat™ (MS) devices.
Renovations completed for new R&D space.
RC-WebView® 2.0 software officially released.
Development begins for new SMART-Space™ Controller (SSC).
Reliable Controls named one of the top 25 fastest growing companies on Vancouver Island.
Regional sales manager hired for Midwestern United States.
Reliable Controls honored with mayorial award by township of View Royal in Victoria BC, Canada, for community involvement in the development of the E&N Rail Trail. Visit for more details on the Rail Trail.
Milestone: Reliable Controls ships 100,000th direct digital controller.
Reliable Controls named one of the top 25 fastest growing companies on Vancouver Island.
RC-Studio® 2.0 update 1.41 released.
Begin production of new TRIAC output module.
Reliable Controls receives Advertising Excellence Award from Baxter Research Center for the advertisement printed in the May 2008 issue of Building Operating Management magazine.
United States training office opens in Columbus, OH.
Regional sales office in Melbourne Australia announced.
RC-License Manager 1.0 software license utility officially released.
General manager hired for China and Hong Kong.
New regional sales manager hired for Western Canada.
RC-WebView® 2.0 update 1.40 released.
MACH-ProCom™ receives 2009 top products award from Building Operating Management magazine.
SMART-Space™ Controller (SSC) beta testing announced.
New backplate for MACH-Stat™ (MS) released.
Reliable Controls receives Advertising Excellence Award from Baxter Research Center for the advertisement printed in the July 2009 issue of Building Operating Management magazine.
BTL approval for RC-Studio® 2.0 update 1.50.
First transceiver webcast conducted.
Reliable Controls receives Advertising Excellence Award from Baxter Research Center for the advertisement printed in the September 2009 issue of Building Operating Management magazine.
SPACE-Sensor™ Temperature with LED override (SST-O) announced.
MACH-Stat™ (MS) revision E announced.
RC-Toolkit® 2.0 update 2.41 released.
Password matrix service posted.
RC-Archive® 2.0 update 1.16 released.
ASHRAE President, Gordon Holness visits Reliable Controls headquarters.
Vice President sales and marketing hired for North America.
RC-Archive® receives 2010 top products award from Building Operating Management magazine.
Interim beta release service posted.
Standalone Flow Sensor (FS) device released.
RC-Studio® 2.0 update 1.54 released.
Begin work on a new RC-Reporter™ application.
New eStatements service posted.
RC-WebView® 2.0 update 1.52 released.
New Authorized Dealer Certification program announced.
ISO 9001:2008 implementation initiated.
Ethernet and TCP/IP networking eLearning module posted.
The MACH-Pro™ series of controllers achieves CE certification.
MACH-Pro™ series revision E released.
MACH-ProWeb™ beta testing announced.
MACH-Air™ (MAH) sample program revision G posted.
EnOcean wireless family of products SPACE-Sensor™ EnOcean (SSE) and SMART-Sensor™ EnOcean Accesspoint (SSEA) announced.
UL 916 approval for MACH-ProPoint™ Input (MPP-I) expansion module.
Upgrade posted for eBusiness order service.
Reliable Controls named one of the top 25 fastest growing companies on Vancouver Island.
New dealer certification program implemented.
RC-Studio® 2.0 update 1.60 released.
RC-Toolkit® 2.0 update 2.44 released.
First sales training course for Authorized Dealers.
New paperless e-Invoicing service launched.
Beta testing begins for SPACE-Sensor™ EnOcean (SSE) and SMART-Sensor™ EnOcean Accesspoint (SSEA) wireless devices.
Reliable Controls receives Advertising Excellence Award from Baxter Research Center for the advertisement printed in the March 2011 issue of Building Operating Management magazine.
Construction begins on 4000 sq.m LEED® Platinum annex to Reliable Controls head office facility in Victoria, BC, Canada.
RC-Archive® 2.0 update 1.18 released.
New software manager hired.
MACH-Stat™ (MS) revision D released.
RC-Studio® 2.0 update 1.62 released.
Reliable Controls receives Advertising Excellence Award from Baxter Research Center for the advertisement printed in the June 2011 issue of Building Operating Management magazine.
RC-WebView® 2.0 update 1.54 released.
MACH-ProZone™ (MPZ) beta testing announced.
Reliable Controls receives Advertising Excellence Award from Baxter Research Center for the advertisement printed in the September 2011 issue of Building Operating Management magazine.
Reliable Controls receives Outstanding Advertising Award from Ad-Q for the advertisement printed in the September 2011 issue of the ASHRAE journal.
New regional sales manager hired for China.
Reliable Controls receives Advertising Excellence Award from Baxter Research Center for the advertisement printed in the December 2011 issue of Building Operating Management magazine.
Reliable Controls one of the top 25 fastest growing companies on Vancouver Island.
ASHRAE President, Ron Jarnagin visits Reliable Controls headquarters.
Revision C of the SMART-Space™ Controller (SSC) series begins shipping.
RC-Studio® 2.0 update 1.70 released.
RC-Toolkit® 2.0 update 2.46 released.
Firmware manager, Mike Osborne assumes upcoming position of secretary of SSPC 135 (BACnet®).
New eRMA service posted.
RC-Studio® 2.0 update 1.71 released.
RC-Archive® 3 beta testing announced.
Reliable Controls receives Outstanding Advertising Award from Ad-Q for the advertisement printed in the March 2012 issue of the ASHRAE journal.
RC-Studio® 2.0 update 1.72 released.
New instructional software videos for RC-Studio® posted for direct access, BACnet® schedules, and BACnet trend logs.
Advanced BACnet® course updated.
MACH-System™ power calculator posted.
MACH-ProAir™ beta testing announced.
Reliable Controls receives Advertising Excellence Award from Baxter Research Center for the advertisement printed in the June 2012 issue of Building Operating Management magazine.
RC-WebView® 2.0 update 1.56 released.
UL 916 Approval for MACH-ProZone™.
Ribbon cutting ceremony announced for new LEED® Platinum targeted annex.
SPACE-Sensor™ Temperature CO2 (SST-CO2) with 24VAC power released.
Green facility content posted to website providing education about new LEED® Platinum targeted annex to Victoria headquarters.
Reliable Controls receives Advertising Excellence Award from Baxter Research Center for the advertisement printed in the September 2012 issue of Building Operating Management magazine.
Reliable Controls receives branded award for top advertiser for ad recall in Building Operating Management magazine.
Reliable Controls receives leader of the pack award from BACnet® International.
Reliable Controls receives Advertising Excellence Award from Baxter Research Center for the advertisement printed in the December 2012 issue of Building Operating Management magazine.
New United States subsidiary (RCC-USA) launched.
New regional sales manager hired for Eastern United States.
RC-Studio® 2.0 update 1.78 released.
RC-Toolkit® 2.0 update 2.52 released.
Milestone: Reliable Controls connects to over 5 million points of measurement and control.
MACH-ProZone™ receives 2013 top products award from Building Operating Management magazine.
RC-WebView® 2.0 update 1.58 released.
MACH-ProWeb™ series revision F released.
ASHRAE President, Tom Watson visits Reliable Controls headquarters.
Reliable Controls receives Advertising Excellence Award from Baxter Research Center for the advertisement printed in the March 2013 issue of Building Operating Management magazine.
New regional sales manager hired for Australasia.
Second surface mount technology (SMT) production line installed at head office factory.
RC-Archive® 3.01 released.
RC-Studio® 2.0 update 1.80 released.
Renovations completed for the Reliable Controls North building manufacturing wing.
Reliable Controls receives Advertising Excellence Award from Baxter Research Center for the advertisement printed in the June 2013 issue of Building Operating Management magazine.
BELIMO chief executive officer, Dr. Jacques Sanche visits Reliable Controls headquarters.
RC-Toolkit® 2.0 update 2.54 released.
Sales certification program added to authorized dealer learning center.
Reliable Controls receives Advertising Excellence Award from Baxter Research Center for the advertisement printed in the December 2013 issue of Building Operating Management magazine.
New regional sales manager hired for Eastern Canada.
MACH-ProSys™ (MP-S), MACH-ProSys with HOA switches (MP-S-H), MACH-ProWebSys™ (MPW-S), MACH-ProPoint™ with Inputs/Outputs (MPP-IO), and MACH-ProPoint with Inputs/Outputs and HOA switches (MPP-IO-H) devices become certified under UL864.
RC-Reporter® 3 beta testing announced.
New Touch Screen Panel (TSP) series released.
MACH-ProPoint™ Input/Output (MPP-IO) universal expansion module officially released.
Reliable Controls receives Advertising Excellence Award from Baxter Research Center for the advertisement printed in the March 2014 issue of Building Operating Management magazine.
Reliable Controls receives Outstanding Advertising Award from Ad-Q for the advertisement printed in the March 2014 issue of the ASHRAE journal.
MACH-Pro1™ and MACH-Pro2™ beta testing announced.
RC-WebView® 2.0 update 1.60 released.
SPACE-Sensor™ Temperature (SST) with humidity option released.
New regional sales manager hired for central United States.
RC-Studio® 2.0 update 1.84 released.
RC-Toolkit® 2.0 update 2.60 released.
New eAcquisition service posted.
Reliable Controls successfully becomes ISO 14001 certified.
Reliable Controls receives Outstanding Advertising Award from Ad-Q for the advertisement printed in the September 2014 issue of the ASHRAE journal.
SMART-Sensor™ Plate (SS-PLATE) is officially released.
SMART-Sensor™ Duct (SS-DUCT) is officially released.
Reliable Controls receives Best in Show award and recognition plaques from BACnet International for the 2014 Leaders of the Pack Awards.
RC-Toolkit® 2.0 update 2.63 beta released.
SMART-Space™ Controller (SSC) revision E beta testing announced.
RC-WebView® 3 beta testing begins.
New SMART-Net™ RJ11 terminal block cable released.
Reliable Controls receives Advertising Excellence Award from Baxter Research Center for the advertisement printed in the December 2014 issue of Building Operating Management magazine.
SMART-Space™ Controller (SSC) beta testing begins.
RC-Reporter® 3.2 released.
Reliable Controls receives Advertising Excellence Award from Baxter Research Center for the advertisement printed in the March 2015 issue of Building Operating Management magazine.
RC-Archive® 3.2 released.
myControl® 1.3 released.
New application engineer hired for the Americas.
RC-WebView® 3.2 released.
myControl® 1.4 released.
Reliable Controls receives advertising excellence award from Baxter Research Center for an advertisement printed in the September 2015 issue of Building Operating Management magazine.
RC-Studio® 2.0 update 1.86 released.
RC-Toolkit® 2.0 updated 2.66 released.
Version 8 firmware released for MACH-Pro and MACH-ProWeb™ controllers.
New MACH-ProAir™ model (MPA-111-A-F) is released.
New MACH-System™ demonstration utility is released.
RC-Studio® 2.0 Update 1.88 released.
Reliable Controls receives Advertising Excellence Award from Baxter Research Center for the advertisement printed in the December 2015 issue of Building Operating Management magazine.
New regional sales manager hired for Latin America.
New regional sales manager hired for EuroAfrica.
RC-Archive® 3.4 released.
myControl® 1.5 released.
RC-GrafxSet® 3.1 released.
Reliable Controls receives Advertising Excellence Award from Baxter Research Center for the advertisement printed in the December 2016 issue of Building Operating Management magazine.
New regional sales manager hired for Great Lakes region, United States.
RC-Archive® 3.8 released.
RC-GrafxSet® 3.2 released.
RC-RemoteAccess® 3.4 released.
RC-Passport® 1.0 officially released.
MACH-CheckPoint™ advanced door controller officially released.
Reliable Controls receives advertising excellence award from Baxter Research Center for the advertisement printed in the December 2017 issue of Building Operating Management magazine.
Reliable Controls named one of Canada's best employers for recent graduates
Reliable Controls appoints Regional Sales Manager for Australasia
RC-Archive® 3.10 released
Reliable Controls receives advertising excellence award from Baxter Research Center
RC-WebView® 3.10 released
myControl® 1.9 released
Reliable Controls appoints application engineer for Latin America
Reliable Controls receives advertising excellence award from Baxter Research Center
Reliable Controls wins Canada's Top Small and Medium Employers Award
Reliable Controls releases the SMART-Sensor™ 3
Reliable Controls releases the SPACE-Sensor™ Temperature 3
Reliable Controls receives advertising excellence award from Baxter Research Center
Reliable Controls launches distance learning
Reliable Controls receives advertising excellence award from Baxter Research Center
Reliable Controls receives advertising excellence award from Baxter Research Center
RC-Toolkit 3.1® officially released
RC-GrafxSet® Flash Utility 1.0 officially released
RC-Toolkit® 3.2 officially released
RC-Studio® 3.8 officially released
RC-RemoteAccess® 3.6 officially released
RC-Archive® 3.12 officially released
MACH-ProPoint™ Binary Input expansion module officially released
RC-Toolkit® 3.3 officially released
Reliable Controls releases installation, management, and site builder improvements in RC-Passport®
RC-Reporter® 3.8 officially released
RC-Studio® 3.9 officially released
myControl® 1.11 officially released
RC-WebView® 3.15 officially released
Northern Automation becomes Reliable Controls Authorized Dealer in Alaska
Wenner becomes a Reliable Controls Authorized Dealer in British Columbia
Reliable Controls welcomes C&M Integrated as a new Authorized Dealer
IES becomes a Reliable Controls Authorized Dealer
Reliable Controls welcomes new Authorized Dealer Coastal Mechanical Solutions Las Vegas
Reliable Controls announces S&S Electrical Services as new Authorized Dealer
Blue Air Technologies becomes a Reliable Controls Authorized Dealer in Ecuador
Reliable Controls welcomes Albireo Energy to the Authorized Dealer network
Reliable Controls welcomes TRAK International Green Energy Resources Inc. as an Authorized Dealer