Recognized as the ultimate all‑in‑one engineering tool, RC‑Studio® from Reliable Controls provides a multivendor, multiprotocol integration solution for database, alarming, scheduling, trending, and sequence of operation programming. This easy-to-use, easy-to-learn BACnet Advanced Workstation (B‑AWS) allows you to develop a complete and customized graphical user interface for monitoring and controlling any application at any scale. The real-time energy management and integrated fault detection and diagnostic capabilities in RC-Studio will empower you to improve your facility's operational efficiency and occupant comfort while maintaining your sustainability goals.

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Product features

Advanced Workstation

  • Automatic BACnet discovery of all devices.
  • Ability to retain discovered devices between sessions.
  • Ability to create, delete, and drag BACnet objects.
  • Intuitive database worksheets.
  • Cut-and-paste program code.
  • Full priority array control.
  • Ability to use Workstation Groups for third-party BACnet devices.

All-In-One Programmability

  • Program inputs, outputs, values, loops, arrays, schedules, and calendars.
  • Program runtime logs, Single-point Trend Logs, and Multipoint Trend Logs.
  • Write sequence-of-operation code, including syntax highlighting and watch lists, with the built-in editor.
  • Build graphics in the System Group editor using RC‑GrafxSet® images and animations; annotate objects, Landing Pads, and keywords; and link to other graphics or networked content.
  • Easily send program and System Group changes to multiple controllers using Send Multiple and Templates features.
  • Select and modify multiple System Group annotations with a single action.

Automated File Synchronization

  • Automated synchronization of System Group files between workstations.
  • Ability to synchronize support files with RC-WebView® or a MACH-ProWeb controller.
  • Ability to fully configure a MACH-ProWeb controller across any BACnet network.


  • Deploy and update multiple Reliable Controls System controllers with a single Panel File Template.
  • Changes are automatically propagated across the network to selected controllers.

Simulate Mode

  • Ability to program an entire system offline without controller hardware.

Graphic Support

  • Support for .bmp, .jpg, and .png background images.
  • Support for HTML5 graphics from RC-GrafxSet for animating equipment, buttons, dashboards, charts, gauges, maps, IFDD FlexTiles, RC‑Reporter® components, and much more.
  • Color picker allows you to choose a custom color for text, objects, or backgrounds.
  • Support for links to URLs, keywords, and other System Group graphics.

Network Management

  • Alarm monitoring and annunciation to screen, email, and printer.
  • Wild card searching and report generation.
  • Customized Point Report worksheets.
  • Manual Points Report worksheet.
  • Automated network backup.

Language Support

  • Support for English, French, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, German, Simplified Chinese, and Korean.


BTL Listed Device

Technical specifications

Recommended Workstation Requirements

  • Processor: Intel Core i5.
  • Two CPU cores are recommended for each installed Reliable Controls application.
  • Storage: 10 GB of free hard disk space.
  • RAM: 4 GB.
  • Graphics: 1920 x 1080 32-bit color display.
  • EIA-232 port or USB adapter for direct connection.
  • 100 Mbps Ethernet network interface card.
  • Microsoft Windows 10–11 (x64).
  • Windows Server 2016–Windows Server 2022 (x64).
